Chordify App

Free awesome chord progression app to play online in your browser with popular chords, rhythms and styles to write the next hit song. Chord Player Drum Machine Fold & Cut Chord Player - Online Chord Progression Generator. This is just the basic front end app, there is a back end portion that lets users create accounts and save chord sheets, it just needs a bit more work. For the front end I still need a way to notate barre chords, drag the chords and change the order, and indicate frets that are above the fifth fret.

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Forum posts

Chordify App

Chordify App For Mac

ChordifyChordie has one most inspiring guitar forums on the Internet. A great source for all kind of guitar related issues.

Everyone can read. Register to post.

Here are the heading of the last posts:


A few days ago passwords from 21K sites were leaked on the internet. Chordie might be one of these sites!
I strongly urge everyone to change their passwords. Especially people that have used their current password for more than a year. If you have used the same password elsewhere, you need to change it there as well!!

Cool Chordie

Chordify App

Chordie features

  • Search the Internet for guitar chords and tabs/tablatures.
  • Transpose to another key
  • Graphical chord grids
  • High quality formatting
  • Mobile browsing - when you are on the road
  • High print quality
  • Unique songbook feature
  • New daily toplists

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Chordify App For Android


Chordify App

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