Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator

Legendary Actions. Monster Name can take 1 legendary action, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Why make everything from scratch when these DnD generators can help you with the heavy lifting? We've collected map generators, dungeon generators, NPC generators, and more all in one place. These represent some of the best and most recommended DnD 5e.

  1. Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Download
  2. Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Generator
  3. Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator
  4. Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Map
  5. Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Pdf
  6. Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator List
PC Options Reference - Character Generator - Magic Item Generator - Statblock Generator

Based on Statblock5e and Open5e

Hit Points





Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Download

Dnd 5e stat block creator

Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Generator

Legendary Actions Description:

Lair Actions Description:Lair Actions End Note Description:

Regional Effects Description:Regional Effects End Note Description:


Use _ to italicize and ** to bold. For Spellcasting lists, use > to reverse-indent.

[CHA]: Shows the monster's charisma modifier.
[STR ATK]: Calculates the modifier to the monster's attack roll for a strength-based attack.

Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator

[DEX 2D8]: Calculates the damage roll for a dexterity-based attack with damage dice 2d8.
[WIS SAVE]: Calculates the save DC vs the monster's wisdom.
[3D6 + 1], [STR ATK - 2], [WIS SAVE + 3]: Adds a modifier to the given values.

Dnd 5e stat block creator

Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Map


Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator Pdf

Legendary Actions:
Regional Effects:
Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator

Dnd 5e Stat Block Creator List