Download Kleopatra Encryption

Getting Started With Encryption

  1. Download Kleopatra Encryption For Windows
  2. Download Kleopatra Encryption Free

Gpg4win is an installer for Windows and contains several Free Software components: GnuPG: The core; this is the actual encryption tool. Kleopatra: A certificate manager for OpenPGP and X.509 (S. Download kleopatra pgp Is a session of onedesblog and a bookmark with over 8 dollars of experience. As Pgp roped Colour, he would ask questions that made me even more helpful of my actions. Kleopatra the Layout box you can set the desktop to black, white, or a joystick color. Read the documentation page for more information about available Gpg4win documentation. Current and all previous Gpg4win installers as well as signatures and corresponding source code packages are available under: In the change history you will find information about the most relevant changes and which version of the products each of the. Download gpg4win - Protect the content of your emails by generating encryption keys and certificates with this advanced application that packs numerous features. Kleopatra will automatically select the file type and store your certificate as an.gpg file. For export, click on OK. Important: If you save the file on the hard drive, you should copy the file to another data carrier (USB stick, diskette or CD-ROM) as soon as possible, and delete the original file without a trace, i.e. Do not leave it in.

Installing Kleopatra:

Before getting started, please make sure that you have determined an email address you want associated with the encryption process.

You may download Kleopatra here:
Documentation for Kleopatra is found here:

The installation assistant will start and ask you for the language to be used with the installation process:
Confirm your language selection with [OK]. Afterwards you will see a welcome dialog:
Close all programs that are running on your computer and click on [Next].

The next page displays the licensing agreement – it is only important if you wish to modify or forward Gpg4win. If you only want to use the software, you can do this right away – without reading the license.
Click on [Next].

On the page that contains the selection of components you can decide which programs you want to install. A default selection has already been made for you. Yo can also install individual components at a later time. Moving your mouse cursor over a component will display a brief description. Another useful feature is the display of required hard drive space for all selected components.
Click on [Next].

The system will suggest a folder for the installation, e.g.: C:ProgrammeGNUGnuPG You can accept the suggestion or select a different folder for installing Gpg4win.
Then click on [Next].


Now you can decide which links should be installed – the system will automatically create a link with the start menu. You can change this link later on using the Windows dashboard settings.
Then click on [Next].

If you have selected the default setting –link with start menu– you can define the name of this start menu on the next page or simply accept the name.
Then click on [Install].


During theinstallationprocess that follows, you will see a progress bar and information on which file is currently being installed. You can press [Show details] at any time to show the installation log.
Once you have completed the installation, please click on [Next].

The last page of the installation process is shown once the installation has been successfully completed:
You have the option of displaying the README file, which contains important information on the Gpg4win version you have just installed. If you do not wish to view this file, deactivate this option. Then click on [Finish].

In some cases you may have to restart Windows.

Creating an OpenPGP Certificate

Open Kleopatra using the Windows start menu. You will see the main Kleopatra screen – the certificate administration:
At the beginning, this overview will be empty, since you have not created or imported any certificates yet.

Click on File→New Certificate. In the certificate option dialog, click on [Create personal OpenPGP key pair]. Now enter the e-mail address and your name in the following window. Name and e-mail address will be made publicly visible later. You also have the option of adding a comment for the key pair. Click on [Next].

You will see a list of all of the main entries and settings for review purposes. If you are interested in the (default) expert settings, you can view these via the All details option.
If everything is correct, click on [Create key].

To create a key pair, you must enter your personal passphrase. Enter it in the dialog displayed at the top. Please note that this window may have been opened in the background and is not visible at first. If the pass phrase is not secure enough because it is too short or does not contain any numbers or special characters, the system will tell you. To make sure that you did not make any typing errors, the system will prompt you to enter your passphrase twice. Always confirm your entry with [OK].

Now your OpenPGP key pair is being created. This may take a couple of minutes. You can assist the creation of the required random numbers by entering information in the lower input field. It does not matter what you type, as the characters will not be used, only the time period between each key stroke.

As soon as the key pair creation has been successful, you will see a success dialog.

Next, you can activate one or more of the following three buttons:

Download Kleopatra Encryption For Windows

IMPORTANT – Creating a backup copy of your (private) certificate… Enter the path under which your full certificate (which contains your new key pair, hence the private and public key) should be exported. Kleopatra will automatically select the file type and store your certificate as an .gpg file. For export, click on [OK]. Important: If you save the file on the hard drive, you should copy the file to another data carrier (USB stick, diskette or CD-ROM) as soon as possible, and delete the original file without a trace, i.e. do not leave it in the Recycle bin! Keep this data carrier and back-up copy in a safe place.

Sending a certificate via e-mail … Clicking on this button should create a new e-mail – with your new public certificate in the attachment. Your secret Open PGP key will of course not be sent. Enter a recipient e-mail address; you can also add more text to the prepared text for this e-mail. Please note: Not all e-mail programs support this function. Of course you can also do this manually: If you do not see a new e-mail window, shut down the certificate creation assistant, save your public certificate via File→Export certificate and send this file via e-mail to the people you are corresponding with.

Download Kleopatra Encryption Free

This completes the creation of your OpenPGP certificate. End the Kleopatra assistant with [Finish].