Moai Game

The Moai tribe has shipwrecked. You must help them to reach the top of the island. Save as many Moai as you can. Use the mouse (jump beam box) to let the Moai jump. Your timing is essential to let the whole group jump in a special order and survive the bubbling lava from below. Moai VII: Mystery Coast Download and play Buy game licence Hika-Ri is strong and brave and Kao-Ri is skilled in magic, but neither of them were prepared for what happened the day bandits landed on their uncharted shores. Guide Hika-Ri as he embarks on an epic adventure to save his sister from an unknown fate! Cocos Creator - MOAI. Shockwave adds games frequently so there are always new games available. Shockwave is the premier destination for free online games and premium download games. Gamers looking to have some serious fun can subscribe to Shockwave® UNLIMITED. As a member, you'll enjoy unlimited play on hundreds of download games, ads-free gaming, and brand new. Game Description Discover the wonders of an uncharted island and help the natives restore their ravaged land to its former glory in Moai: Build Your Dream! Overcome the fury of an active volcano, hordes of attacking ghosts, and the threat of dwindling resources as you guide the hero and a native princess on their quest.

Welcome to our Moai Build Your Dream Walkthrough, a comprehensive guide filled with helpful tips and video solutions of each and every level demonstrating how to achieve those hard-to-reach expert times.

Moai Game Series

Opening Story:

In Moai Build Your Dream, a young hero traveling across the ocean in a hot air balloon finds himself losing altitude and crash landing in the waters near an island. Making his way ashore, he discovers a tribe in need of his aid. Many years ago, their island was devastated by fires and unrest and in order to appease their gods, they cut down all the lush trees, severely limiting their wood supplies. Now, if our young hero ever wishes to see his home again, he must help the tribe restore their island to its former glory. Can you weather the intense time management gameplay in Moai Build Your Dream? You can, with our Moai Walkthrough!

General Tips for Moai Build Your Dream

Tasks - These are found at the bottom right of the screen. Stay focused and work as quickly as possible to achieve them. Remember that time won't start until you begin a task, so take this time to gather your thoughts and formulate a strategy.

Resources - If you're new to resource management games, it's all about collecting resources. Click on the items such as food and wood to make your workers collect them. You can plan your steps ahead in Moai Build Your Dream as chained tasks are permitted. The following resources are available: Food, Wood, Stone, Sandal, Mana.

Workers - Workers live in huts and will do your bidding as you attempt to restore the island. In order to hire more workers, you need to build and upgrade huts.

Moai Game

Upgrade - To upgrade a building, click on it, and then click the up arrows that appear. Make sure you have enough resources to upgrade.

Build - To build a structure, click on an empty plot and then select the structure you would like to build. Make sure you have enough resources to build.

Repair - Sometimes, you'll need to repair buildings. Simply click on a run down building and then click on the wrench icon to repair it.

Moai Game

Demolish - There will be times that you will need to build and then demolish buildings in order to achieve certain tasks. Simply click on the building you wish to demolish and then click on the bomb icon.

Chests - Chests can be found on certain levels. Click on these to make your worker open them. They will contain a number of different resources that will help you complete that level.


Buildings - Buildings provide much needed resources to your tribe, such as food and stone. Examples of buildings you will need to construct include huts, quarries, fields, markets, etc.

Menu - The menu button is located in the top left of your screen. Click on here to adjust your settings or to quit the game.

Harvest - Remember that in order to harvest a resource, you need to hover your mouse over it. Buildings won't start producing a resource until you've collected the one they've already made so make sure you're quick to collect.


Coins - Coins come from completing the level within the set amount of time. You'll receive 3 gold coins when you complete the level on expert time, so you have an added incentive to beat the clock. When you get 3 gold coins on a level, you'll make progress on the Moai statues, which represent the spirits of the elements.

Moai Game Engine Tutorial


There are many achievements in Moai Build Your Dream.

  • Outlander - For creating a character.
  • Chosen One - For scoring 35,000 points.
  • Ancestors' Will - For scoring 65,000 points.
  • Messenger of the Gods - For scoring 100,000 points.
  • Darling of the Gods - For scoring 200,000 points.
  • Great Hero - For Scoring 350,000 points.
  • Equal to a God - For scoring 500,000 points.
  • Demigod - For scoring 650,000 points.
  • Son of Gods - For scoring 800,000 points.
  • Like the Sun - For scoring 1 million points.
  • Chief's Beads - Gift of the high chief to exiled rebels.
  • Eastern Chief's Hat - Award from the council of elders.
  • Walking Stick of the Western Tribe - Gift of the high priest of Balm-in-Cense.
  • Spear of the Northern Tribe - Gift from the Northern Tribe's Chief.
  • High Priest's Hat - Award from the council of elders and all islanders.
  • Great Town Planner - For building 200 buildings
  • Satisfied Settlers - For gathering more than 5,000 units of food while playing a level.
  • Stone Stock - For gathering more than 5,000 units of stone while playing a level.
  • Fragrant Mountain - For gathering more than 1,500 units of sandalwood while playing a level.
  • Grace of the Gods - For gathering more than 10,000 units of mana while playing a level.
  • Logging Master - For gathering more than 3,500 units of wood while playing a level.
  • Island Agronomist - For preparing 100 fields.
  • Chief of the Stonemasons - For restoring 100 quarries.
  • Chief Sandalwood Collector - For planting 75 groves.
  • Notable Merchant - For restoring 30 markets.
  • Settler's Best Friend - For recruiting 500 workers.
  • Great Builder of Temples - For building 20 temples.
  • Healer - For healing 100 workers.
  • Bronze Whip for Ghosts - For killing 100 ghosts.
  • Silver Whip for Ghosts - For killing 200 ghosts.
  • Gold Whip for Ghosts - For killing 500 ghosts.
  • Bronze Woodcutter - For chopping down 50 trees.
  • Silver Woodcutter - For chopping down 150 trees.
  • Gold Woodcutter - For chopping down 300 trees.
  • Bronze Stonemason - For removing 50 piles of stones.
  • Silver Stonemason - For removing 125 piles of stones.
  • Gold Stonemason - For removing 250 piles of stones.
  • Bronze Fisherman - For gathering 250 units of food from the pond.
  • Silver Fisherman - For gathering 1,000 units of food from the pond.
  • Gold Fisherman - For fathering 2,000 units of food from the pond.
  • Friend of the Forest - For completing 20 levels without chopping down a single tree.
  • Keeper of the Forest - For completing seven levels in a row without chopping down a single tree.
  • Peacemaker - For completing 40 different levels without killing a single ghost with your own hand.
  • Enemy of Cruelty - For completing 25 levels in a row without killing a single ghost with your own hand.
  • King of the Treasure Hunters - For opening 250 chests.
  • Advanced Bridge Builder - For repairing 20 bridges.
  • Chief Renovator - For repairing 100 buildings.
  • Eastern Tribe's Gold - For completing every level of the Eastern Tribe with three gold coins.
  • Southern Tribe's Gold - For completing every level of the Southern Tribe with three gold coins.
  • Western Tribe's Gold - For completing every level of the Western Tribe with three gold coins.
  • Northern Tribe's Gold - For completing every level of the Northern Tribe with three gold coins.
  • Golden Wreath - For earning every achievement.

And those are the basics for playing Moai Build Your Dream. Special thanks to Sipason for the videos. We wish you good luck and hope you enjoy our Moai Build Your DreamWalkthrough!

The Moai SDK uses an Object-Oriented Reactive approach. The (re)action chain is defined in Lua and enacted in C++, which allows to get the best of both worlds, expressibility and speed.

Moai's runtime is based around a dependency graph and a tree of actions that operates on that graph. Most APIs in Moai deal with creating and managing objects that are evaluated every frame to produce simulation and animation. You should think about Moai as a big box of LEGOs or Tinkertoys with motors: Moai has many little pieces that may be 'snapped together' to produce a larger whole. As a game programmer, you'll spend most of your time setting up and tearing down sets of these objects like a puppeteer moving puppets and props on and off of a stage.

In Moai, simulation occurs in three phases. This is what Moai's simulation loop (i.e. the game loop) does every time step:

  • Process the input queue
  • Process the action tree
  • Process the node graph

You might be wondering why there is no rendering step in the game loop. In Moai, rendering is divorced from the game loop and occurs at its own pace. On some systems it is not uncommon for the simulation to perform multiple simulation steps for every frame rendered. We'll talk more about rendering later.

Moai Game Download

Let's break down Moai's game loop piece by piece:

Process the Input Queue

Input events come from the system Moai is running on. For the purposes of the simulation step, we want input to be processed in a predictable fashion. To do this we capture all input events, store them in a queue and respond to them, in order, at the beginning of our game loop. Once the input events have been all processed, the game loop may proceed. Any input events that occur during the game loop will be enqueued for the next simulation step.

Process the Action Tree

Moai Game Free

The action tree is the step in the game loop where game logic and animation is typically performed. This might be scripted behavior implemented in a Lua coroutine or behavior applied by one of Moai's animation objects.

Moai Game

Moai Game Download

In some graph-based game engines there is no separate step for 'animations' and 'actions.' In Moai it would be possible to model all actions and animation using only the node graph, but the typical form such graphs take is of a big set of upstream 'behavior' nodes that control the game and a big set of downstream 'object' nodes that are controlled (transforms, groups, renderables and physics bodies). For Moai, it made sense to formalize this distinction with the addition of the action tree to specifically manage the upstream behavior controllers.

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The action tree is just that: a tree of actions. Each action is responsible for invoking its children. There is a root action that exists only to have children attached to it. To the root action you will attach animation objects and Lua coroutines that drive the behavior of your game. You can 'pause' the game simply by swapping out the root action. You can also build families of actions that work together.

In Moai, only actions (and objects derived from actions) receive a time step: the node graph evaluation and the rendering pass are (from a simulation perspective) thought to occur instantaneously. This means no Moai node graph object should ever change its state based on either the simulation time or the number of times the node graph is processed or rendered. Only the action tree should perform any time-based changes to game state.

Process the Node Graph

Actions perform time-based operations on nodes. For example, an action might change the position of a renderable node a little bit each frame to create the effect of animation. Because nodes may have dependencies on each other and need to behave in a predictable manner based on these dependencies, no changes applied to nodes by actions go in effect until the entire node graph is evaluated.

In actuality, Moai does not evaluate the entire dependency node graph every frame. Moai instead attempts to evaluate only the portions of the node graph that have been modified. When an action modifies a node, that node is scheduled for an update along with any nodes it depends on and any nodes that depend on it. Instead of performing a topological sort of the entire node graph (as some engines do), Moai keeps nodes in order by applying a few simple rules as nodes are scheduled. This means that adding and removing nodes from a scene and creating dependencies between nodes is fairly cheap and happens in more or less linear time. It also means that even in a scene with thousands of nodes, only those being actively animated or modified by the action tree will be updated each frame.


As mentioned, rendering occurs independently of simulation. A small set of the objects available in Moai are renderable - they know how to render themselves to the screen. Moai's render manager is a singleton to which a Lua table containing render objects may be registered. When Moai is asked by the system to render a frame, the render manager simply iterates through this table and draws each renderable object. The table should be a 1-based numerical array; the render manager will continue to render objects until it encounters a nil value in the table. Any table used for rendering may also contain subtables, which will also have their contents rendered.